In This Economy

September 2008


I am often asked, “How’s business?”. Most people believe that in this economy, business must not be so great. The truth is, business is better than ever. Here’s why. My clients are still interested in the genuine, the fine, the best of the best, and they still take great pride in wearing the pieces we work on together.

What they are no longer interested in is spending money for the sake of spending. Many of my clients used to purchase in high end designer shops, sometimes because they wanted something immediately, sometimes because they enjoyed the clout of a certain colored box. Now they would rather first see if we can work together. Saving several hundred dollars is now something that is worth waiting for.

The other reason is that there are still many, many husbands and boyfriends who are still wanting to do something very special for their other halves, for special occasions, and “just because”. In regular retail, they have been priced right out of the market. I find that they are now searching me out because I can help with the seemingly impossible. More than ever, I am offering honesty, integrity and value. If anything, the need for my services has increased.

If you are in the market for something special, please find a few minutes to contact me. I would be honored to help.

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